Moisturise & Prime Face Oil
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Love our beautiful skin-rich vitamin and mineral face oil, feels so good absorbing into your skin, only a few drops are needed, disappears right into the dermal layer without leaving you drenched in oil. No nasties just pure Shibali organic goodness. x
For oily and combination skin types: Moisturisers and primes your skin all in one.
If you are more dry skin-type, apply over your moisturiser as your makeup primer pre-mineral foundation powder... viola your foundation is done!
Add to boost your serum, moisturiser, and/or night creme.
As well to this little beauty is perfect for double cleansing pre facials -an additional bonus to our beautiful face oil it enhances facial treatments before and after use... massaging into your skin, softening the dermal layer and any congestion stored below the surface of the skin, grabbing onto trapped bacteria, helping your exfoliant and facial mask, pulling all congestion to the skin's surface ready for removal.
Great addition to our firming facial mask protecting eye and lip areas.
A wonderful face oil for all skin types, even for the most sensitive.
Client Boast.
I am obsessed with this Shibali face oil, take it everywhere I go and use it for anything my skin requires, face or body. LOL shhh, don't tell Shibali. Big love keep up the great work! Eva x